Greetings, filmsnobs!
Absorb The latest podcasts below:

Episode 15 – The Two Types of Writing with Michael Barrett
Co-host James Owen discusses "the two types of writing" with his guest Michael Barrett, novelist, attorney, former[…]

Episode 14 – Oppenheimer, or How I Started Worrying About the Bomb
Co-host James Owen is joined by his guest Eric V. to do an actual movie review, of[…]

Episode 13 – Ted Talk with the Filmsnobs as We Dive into the Psyche of Coach Lasso
James Owen AND Stephen Himes discuss several of their 'theories' in hopes of helping their listeners better[…]

Episode 12 – What Hollywood Gets Wrong About Peter Pan
James Owen and Stephen Himes discuss the reasons for the mostly unsuccesful treatments of J.M. Barrie's 'Peter[…]

Episode 11 – Defusing the Time Bomb Y2K with Brian Becker and Marley McDonald
Co-host James Owen, Brian Becker, and Marley McDonald, co-directors of the documentary 'Time Bomb Y2K', go down[…]

Episode 10 – Sitdown with Sam Carter re: Slash/Back and Feminist Dystopias
"Co"-host James Owen is joined by University of Missouri grad student Sam Carter, whose interests in studies[…]
about US
Gilbert Gottfried's got nothing on us! **
We are James Owen and Stephen Himes, well-known film critics reviewers guys, re-opened for business, and now we're all modern and up-to-date and stuff!
No more reading through paragraphs of bombastic insightful text, trying to find a point getting insider tips and industry, um, insights.
We're live without a net on Spotify -- join us for our weekly monthly erratically-timed podcasts. Or listen right here on!
** Because he's dead. R.I.P. Gilbert!